Od amaterskog do profesionalnog trbušnoga plesa


Edukativan pristup trbušnome plesu

Sara je jedna od 13 plesača iz cijeloga svijeta koji su postigli najviši level obrazovanja u Salimpour formatu ( https://salimpourschool.com/).  Sara ima položen Level 5 te je Licencirani instruktor Salimpour škole u Rijeci.

Sara je jedina trbušna plesačica iz Hrvatske  koja se obrazuje prema prestižnom Salimpour formatu trbušnoga plesa- prvom certifikacijskom programu trbušnoga plesa.  2020. god. utemeljen je Suhaila Salimpour institut online edukacije ( eng. “Suhaila Salimpour Institute of Online Education” ) koji pruža najopširniji i najtemeljitiji kurikulum za trbušni ples na svijetu. Unutar Instituta se nalaze 2 formata, Suhaila Salimpour format i Vokabular. Sara ima položen najviši level, Level 5.

Sara je članica Bal Anat-a, najstarije grupe trbušnoga plesa na svijetu s kojom je imala čast nastupati u Bruxelles-u, Londonu i Stokholmu 2016. i 2018. kada je Bal Anat slavio 70 godina postojanja.

Ljubav prema raznim plesnim stilovima

Ova magistra engleskog jezika i književnosti i pedagogije vrlo rano otkriva ljubav prema plesu. Zaljubljuje se u razne plesne stilove među kojima su hip hop, MTV, jazz, balet, suvremeni ples te se nastavlja usavršavati pohađajući plesne seminare po Hrvatskoj, Londonu, Milanu, Njemačkoj… Sara ulazi u tajnoviti svijet trbušnoga plesa te se od 2011. god. nastavlja usavršavati prema formatu trbušnoga plesa Suhaile Salimpour i Jamile Salimpour.

Sara je 2017. god postala certificirana voditeljica plesnih tehnika na Pučkom Učilištu u Zagrebu.

Sara je tijekom 2018. i 2019. god. redovito nastupala u Cabaret showu Mire Ungara u Jazz & Cabaret klubu Kontesa u Zagrebu.

Sara je bila polufinalist na Supertalentu 2011. god. 2018. god. ponovno odlazi na Supertalent te je svojim nastupom sa sabljama mnogima oduzela dah. 2019. god. se ponovno vraća te oduševljava svojim nastupom. Sarin nastup sa Supertalenta iz 2019. god. ima skoro 900 000 pregleda!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnQjFhKpWZo

Sara je 2019.  god. bila polufinalist srpskog talent show-a “All Talents”.

Sara sudjeluje na raznim festivalima trbušnoga plesa kao gost i žiri među kojima su Oriental Fairtytales (Beograd), Black Sea Festival (Varna), Oriental Fever Festival (Zagreb) i ostali festivali.

Sarin cilj je konstantno se usavršavati u plesu te svoju ljubav prenositi nastupima i podukama.


Educative Approach to Belly Dance

Sara is one of the highest certified dancers in the world trained in the international SALIMPOUR™ formats ( https://salimpourschool.com/).  She is Level 5 certified and is the Salimpour™ School licensed instructor in Rijeka, Croatia.

Sara has been enrolled in the Salimpour Belly Dance Format- the first belly dance certification program for over 12 years. In 2020, Suhaila Salimpour Institute Of Online Education was launched to offer the most comprehensive and complete belly dance curriculum in the world. There are 2 formats, Suhaila Salimpour Format and Vocabulary. Sara holds the highest level, Level 5 .

Sara is a proud member of Bal Anat, the oldest running belly dance group in the world. Sara had an honour to perform with Bal Anat in Brussels in 2016, then again in Brussels, London and Stockholm in 2018 when Bal Anat celebrated its’ 70th Anniversary. 

In love with various dance styles

Sara, who holds a Master of English Language and Literature and Pedagogy, reveals her love for dance in her early childhood. She studied various dance styles including hip hop, MTV, jazz, ballet, contemporary dance, pole dance and attended dance seminars all over the Europe. In 2005 Sara entered the mysterious world of belly dancing and in 2011 was the year she joined the Salimpour School and has been hooked ever since. 

Sara holds Instructor of Dance Techniques Certificate which she obtained in 2017 in Zagreb. 

Sara has been a regular performer in a Cabaret Show by Miro Ungar in Jazz& Cabaret Club Kontesa in Zagreb during 2018 and 2019.

Sara was a semi-finalist on Croatian U Got Talent Show in 2011 when she performed a Fusion piece. She comes back in 2018 to perform a piece with the swords to showcase her amazing balancing skills. In 2019 she performed a beautiful classical Belly Dance piece.

In 2019, Sara was a semi-finalist in Serbian Talent Show “All Talents”. 

Sara was a guest performer and a judge on many International Belly Dance Festivals in Belgrade, Varna and Zagreb.